It happens every year. We get that one gift that for whatever reason misses the mark (fish-flops, yes, exactly what it sounds like, fish-shaped flip-flops. Thanks for the thought Uncle Johnny). Maybe it was the wrong size, or perhaps the color (or the species of fish) just doesn’t match your personality. In fact, according to a report published by Red Stag Fulfillment, “in a post-holiday survey, 34 percent of people in the US said they would return at least one of the gifts they got this holiday season.”

How often has the idea of having to go through the hassle of returning a gift turned you off so much that you just put it in a closet corner with the intent of regifting it to someone else?
Well, the days of lamenting over the hassle of returning holiday gifts is over. ShipMagic offers low-cost, safe and hassle-free shipping for all your employees. From the comfort of their home, they can choose which carrier (UPS, FedEx or the USPS) has the best price and option for them. For those wanting to stay safe and socially distanced, they can even opt to have the carrier come to your home for pickup. Once the complete the process a carrier compliant shipping label is sent directly to their approved email. Simply print the label and attach it to their return. Alakazam! A post-holiday pain turned magically into a frown upside down.